Monday, March 21, 2011

Calling All Leaders (Out)!

Are you really a leader? Before you answer consider this: The Webster’s Dictionary defines leader as: a person who has commanding authority or influence. OK, on the surface that looks good, but let’s take a closer look.

If that is the case, is leadership going to provide optimal growth and development? Are you creating leverage for yourself by following that definition? The answer is clearly NO!

If what you’re looking for is optimal growth; more money with less work, and ways to leverage yourself for more time and personal freedom (in other words true wealth) leadership will not get you there. Before we go any further I want to set something straight. Leadership is important to your success. You need to continually develop and improve your leadership skills throughout your life to reach true fulfillment. However, your vision needs to shift to the future, and that future has to include you doing less.

Let me explain. Leadership implies, and requires your authority. If you want more time, and personal freedom you will have to appoint a new leader to take your place. Consider the Presidency of the United States. Like many companies, there is one clearly defined leader. When his term is up we choose a new leader and change direction. Often times we change to a whole new leadership philosophy. Now let’s suppose we consider your business. If you continue to assume the role of leader, eventually you will be forced to do one of two things. The first is to choose your successor, who will undoubtedly put his/her own stamp on the business you built. It will lose some of your personal touch, and begin to evolve under the new leadership. The second option would be to sell your company. In either case you forfeit control of the business you have dedicated you life to.

Oh Wait! I almost forgot. There is one more problem with either of those options. You see, there is a direct relation to your leadership skills and the value of your company. However, the problem is; now listen to this very carefully: the stronger your leadership, the less valuable your company is in the marketplace without you? Ask yourself this question: If I were no longer here how much business would we lose immediately? Within the first quarter? Within the first year? Business Brokers know this and they devalue your company based on their perception of your leadership and involvement.

So what does all this mean? Simply put, you need a strategy that allows for leadership, growth and leverage at the same time. You do this by applying the 6 Simple Steps to Building a Better Workforce as you transition from leader to guide. Think about what this means. You maintain leadership control as you build leverage all while increasing the value of your company. Your ultimate goal is to separate your personal workload from the productivity and success of the company.

So it adds up to this… You create true wealth by leveraging your vision and dreams; building teams that believe in, and are committed to accomplishing your dreams with you. You have the option of staying as long as you want in as limited a role as you want while building a legacy for your family and community; or you build an organization that can sustain itself without you. This will contribute to company value in the marketplace, if in fact you decide to sell.

Start the New Year off right and start guiding your company in the direction of your dreams. Whether your ultimate goal is to increase the value of your company for future sale, or to build a legacy for future generations, begin today to make the changes.

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